Saturday, April 27, 2013

Sprinkles Day 27

Here ya go! Day 27 of your Sprinkles download. Available only until midnight tonight EST so make sure you get it!

 *Click on photo to download* (sorry, expired)


  1. Hi! I am having trouble with the link---when I click it, the new window opens, but the progress halts. No download. I have not had problems with the other ones, so not sure if this is just me or others too?
    Thank you for all of these fun elements and papers!

  2. THANK YOU ;~} I got it to dl & open...from crystalnva

  3. Finally got it to work! Thanks!!

    (I was the first comment) :)

  4. Thanks very much for this great kit. Somehow I forgot to get yesterday's (26th) will the individual pieces be available for saie at the end of the month?

  5. Thank you for day 27! Enjoying this kit!

  6. this gifts is amazing thank you so very much for sharing I'm sorry that I have missed some of them, Blessings and many thanks , hugs Nana Kat
